Change Log – 2 Pallas
Distro Astro 2.0
Changes from 1.0.2 to 2.0, released Nov 20, 2013
- New Features:
- New signed APT repository with astronomy packages not in Ubuntu/Debian.
- Automatic upgrade of included astronomy software.
- Ability to dual-boot with Windows 8 on UEFI machines.
- Support for touch-screen monitors.
- Upgrade script from 1.0.2 Ceres to 2.0 Pallas.
- New software:
- Hardware Enablement Stack from Raring Ringtail.
- ImageJ, a powerful Java-based image processing program.
- PyRAF, a Python-based replacement for IRAF Terminal CL.
- AstroPy, a single core package astronomy Python library.
- PyFITS, a module for working with FITS files.
- PyWCS, routines for handling World Coordinate System standard.
- VOTable, library for standard Virtual Observatory Tables.
- NOVAS, a vector astrometry library for C, Fortran and Python.
- AstroLib Coords, astronomical coordinates & angular separations
- STSCI Tools, functions for use by many Python packages.
- Upgraded software:
- Linux Kernel upgraded from 3.2.0-49 to 3.8.0-33 from Raring Ringtail.
- X Server upgraded from 7.6 to 7.7 from Raring Ringtail.
- Mint Display Manager now taken from Mint Olivia.
- Mint Menu now taken from Mint Olivia.
- LibreOffice 4 upgraded from 4.0.4 to 4.1.1.
- Mozilla Firefox upgraded to version 25.
- AstroPack upgraded to version 2.0.
- SAOImage DS9 upgraded to version 7.2.
- INDI Library 0.9.6 now includes all the latest drivers as of November 18, 2013.
- Inherits updated packages from Ubuntu repositories as of November 18, 2013.
- New software available via apt-get:
- Proas for planning of astronomical observations.
- Aladin for visualizing astronomical data.
- FITS editors FV, FITSview, QFitsView, and FITS Liberator.
- Python libraries AstroAsciiData, AliPy, APLpy, CosmoloPy, OSCAAR, and PyEphem.
- MYRaf, a GUI for IRAF photometry.
- Newer versions of AstroPy, NumPy, and SciPy.
- G95, an alternative to GFortran.
- XVarStar for searching the General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS).
- Astrometrica for research-grade CCD astrometry data reduction.
- Capture software qastrocam and qastrocam-g2.
- AstroAviBrowser for selecting only the good frames in an astronomy video.
- Newer versions of Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel.
- Internal packaging changes:
- Distro Astro repository given highest priority in /etc/apt/preferences.
- IRAF now set up to handle FITS files by default.
- Support for dconf added to Winecolors and Toggle Nightvision.
- New bashrc alias ll as a shortcut for ls -l.
- Removed packages:
- VirtualBox Guest Additions removed (incompatible with new HWE kernel).
- Package sunwait removed from default install.
- Package nightfall removed from default install.
- Optimization tweaks.
Distro Astro 1.0.2
Changes from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2, released Aug 9, 2013
- Upgraded software:
- INDI Library 0.9.6 now includes all the latest drivers as of July 18, 2013.
- Mint Display Manager upgraded from 1.0.8 to 1.2.5.
- LibreOffice 4 upgraded from 4.0.1 to 4.0.4.
- Gimp 2.8 upgraded from 2.8.4 to 2.8.6.
- Linux Kernel upgraded from 3.2.0-40 to 3.2.0-49
- Internal packaging changes:
- LibreOffice has a new icon theme that is consistent with the rest of the distribution.
- Mint Display Manager has a new HTML theme with Hubble UDF background.
- Fixed a few (mis)alignments in current default login screen.
- IRAF shortcut icon now opens it as the current user instead of user ‘iraf’.
- Optimization tweaks.
- VirtualBox guest packages removed from local repository because it is not needed and merely occupies space.
- Inherits updated packages from Ubuntu and Linux Mint repositories as of July 25, 2013.
Distro Astro 1.0.1
Changes from 1.0 to 1.0.1, released April 25, 2013
- New software:
- FFT Analyzer 1.0 for analyzing radio meteors.
- Ephem 4.3.0 command line ephemeris program to complement XEphem.
- Upgraded software:
- LibreOffice upgraded from 3.6 to 4.0.1.
- Gimp upgraded from 2.8.2 to 2.8.4.
- XEphem upgraded from 3.7.5 to 3.7.6.
- Linux Kernel upgraded from 3.2.0-35 to 3.2.0-40
- Internal packaging changes:
- AptURL now setup on Firefox by default.
- Toggle Nightvision now remembers previous wallpaper and restores it when toggling back from Nightvision.
- Toggle Nightvision now works again on Windows applications running on Wine.
- Winecolors can now read theme from mate-conf.
- Nightshade splash screen is now blank with a small progress bar for a more professional look while loading inside a planetarium dome.
- Packaging updates and new icon files for Nightshade and Where is M13?.
- Removed package:
- XChat application for Linux Mint support has been removed, as part of removing all Linux Mint branding from the distribution.
- Better support for running it on VirtualBox for those who just want to try it.
- Inherits updated packages from Ubuntu and Linux Mint repositories as of April 18, 2013.
Distro Astro 1.0
Included software in version 1.0, released Jan 01, 2013
- Base software experience:
- Based on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin and Linux Mint 13 Maya.
- Mate Desktop Environment 1.4.2 from Mint backports.
- LibreOffice 3.5.4 and Gimp 2.8.3 for productivity.
- VLC 2.0.3, Totem 3.0.1, and Clementine 1.0.1 for media playing.
- OpenJDK 6 JRE to run selected astronomy software.
- Wine 1.4.1 to run selected astronomy software.
- Mint Display Manager 1.0.8.
- Linux Kernel 3.2.0-35
- Astronomy software:
- INDI Library 0.9.6 for instrument automation and control.
- Cartes du Ciel 3.6 and KStars 4.8 to connect to the INDI Library.
- Nightshade 11.12.1 and Stellarium 0.11.2 for planetarium display on a dome.
- wxAstroCapture 1.8, GCX Astro-Image Processor 1.3, iMerge 1.2, Registax 6.1, and Iris 5.59 for astrophotography.
- IRAF 2.16 and SAOImage DS9 v7.1 for astronomical image analysis.
- ORSA 0.7.0 for orbit reconstruction, simulation and analysis.
- Planets 0.1.13 and Gravity 2.01 for playing with gravitational orbits.
- AstroCC Coordinate Converter 3.10 for positional astronomy conversions.
- XEphem 3.7.5, GPredict 1.3, XTide 2.11, Meteoracle 1.1.6, Accurate Times 5.3.2, and Astronomy Lab 2.03 for astronomical event prediction.
- PP3 1.3.3 with TeX Live 2009 and Ghostscript 9.05 for celestial map generation.
- Celestia 1.6.0 and OpenUniverse 1.0 to simulate motion through space.
- WhereIsM13 v2.3, and StarPlot Viewer 0.95.5 for visualization in space.
- Virtual Moon Atlas 6.0 with all textures and overlays for studying the moon.
- OpenRocket 1.1.9 for designing model rockets.
- Astronomy themes:
- Toggle between Normal and Nightvision mode.
- Astronomy quotes on Terminal using mint-fortune.
- Astronomy Picture of the Day slideshow wallpaper (changes everyday).
- Hubble slideshow wallpaper (changes every hour).
- Nightvision slideshow wallpaper (changes every hour).
- Hubble slideshow screensaver.
- Nightvision slideshow screensaver.
- Hubble UDF theme for boot loader, boot splash screen, and login screen.